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skip navigationThere are many great opportunities to volunteer within NMAHA, here are the roles and SCROLL DOWN to see the steps to complete!
It can never be said enough - THANK YOU for volunteering and know that you are helping to ensure our kids' season is a fun and memorable one!
It's a 3-to-4 step process - fairly easy to do, harder to explain... hence a lot of details below.
All team volunteers are required to complete at least the first THREE steps (and then the additional steps if the role to be served requires it (see above)):
If you have stepped up and approved to be a Team Manager - then please complete this registration just for Coaches/Managers: CLICK HERE
Already completed in the past? Check your status here (the years noted are when a new background screening is NEEDED, not what it's good through): GOOD TO GO 2024-2025
Remember that the season SHOWN is when a new background screen is REQUIRED (not the season it's "good through")
If new or expired, submit at USA Hockey found here: https://www.usahockey.com/backgroundscreen
(**There will likely be a cost in 2025 (~$30), but for now they are still FREE - USAH & LOEAHA have gone back & forth on this the past few years.**)
If you do see a cost this season - STOP! Do not pay (we can't reimburse...) and please double-check the link used is the USA Hockey one above.
We recommend ALL volunteers also complete the SafeSport Training - the more knowledge we have, the safer our players are. This also allows for supporting your player's team in additional roles if/when needed.
Certain roles REQUIRE this training - those that are defined as having regular, routine or frequent access to or supervision over youth participants. These roles are coaches, team managers, locker room monitors, penalty box monitors, chaperones and board members.
Scorekeepers, Timekeepers, and general volunteers are not required to complete this, but still highly encouraged to do so.
Other sports are using SafeSport too, so this process will tie back through USA Hockey since they are the governing body for our sport. DO NOT search & go directly to the SafeSport home page any longer!
Yes, this can get a bit "scenic"...
The link here will take you to the USA Hockey SafeSport page, where after clicking the red "US Center for SafeSport Training" box you will then either register or log into your USAH MyHockeyHQ Portal account with your USA Hockey Registration # (Step 1 above). The first time may require you to set a password or click "Forgot Password?" to create one.
Once logged in you will see your name, birthdate, phone number, and Safe Sport Training status. If there's a green checkbox and a Complete Date, you are all set. If not, there is a link on the right side to " GO TO SAFESPORT TRAINING ".
(Note the Lifetime Member Number under your name at the upper-left from the MyHockeyHQ Portal - this is recommended to be your username for the U.S. Center for SafeSport site).
SafeSport is required to be updated annually - the full course is the first time, followed by three shorter "Refresher" courses for the next three seasons (and then it repeats).
If you have already completed SafeSport before and need to renew - you should receive an email noting these details:
If you are a player or volunteer (coach, manager, BOD, locker room/penalty box monitor, etc.) go to https://membership.usahockey.com/member/login
Log in with your confirmation number and password
On the home screen click the Go To Training and follow the steps to enroll in next course
If you experience technical difficulties, please contact USA Hockey Member Services at memberservices@usahockey.org. Provide your name, USA Hockey confirmation number and explanation or screen shot of the issue.
This is the registration for all Volunteer roles that will allow us to roster you as a volunteer for the team levels you select. Please read the instructions on the first page.