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Skills-Speed w-Mark Ciaccio (NYR) - Aug 2022

Skills and Speed Clinic with Coach Mark Ciaccio of the New York Rangers at the MAC! (8/23-25/2022)

Posted 8/3/22 | Updated: 8/27/22


The New Mexico Raptors Hockey Team and RJ Sports LLC present:
Marc Ciaccio of the New York Rangers for a 3-day Skills and Speed Clinic!


This clinic is intended for returning players ages 6-18 and will be just $65 (+processing) for three evening sessions with Coach Ciaccio at The MAC in Rio Rancho!


The clinic will be divided into two groups (35 skaters MAX each):

  • GROUP 1: Ages 6-12 (Peewee and below) - SOLD OUT!
  • GROUP 2: Ages 13-18 (Bantam and above) - 12 spots left!

(Age is determined using the USA Hockey method - actual age on December 31st of this year)

The dates and times ON the ice are as follows:

Date: Group 1: Group2:
Tuesday, 8/23 5:45-6:30pm 6:30-7:15pm
Wednesday, 8/24 6:45-7:45pm 7:45-8:45pm
Thursday, 8/25 5:45-6:30pm 6:30-7:15pm

Location: The MAC (801 Loma Colorado, Rio Rancho)

We realize these are school nights, so the younger group (#1) will go first & the older group will go after. We tried to ensure this clinic doesn't go too late into the evening so as many players can participate as possible based on available ice.

This registration has closed.

We have opened this clinic to other associations!